This is easily the best flash ever.
This is easily the best flash ever.
A true work of art.
I really must say that this is one of the best flashes I have ever seen in my time on Newgrounds. The movie is completely different than any other flash on this site, and even differs quite a bit from your original Salad Fingers episode. It's definately a relief to see something this good, instead of the same old stick figure and Neurotically Yours flashes over and over again. Your style isn't currently, and will probably never be the same as anyone else's.
Graphics wise, everything is great. You add your own stle, which I though was most noticable when you're viewing the child through the hole in the wall, and the hole is comprised of jagged lines all forming a circle. It all pulls together to give the entire movie an eerie sort of feeling, which is difficult to achieve in flash. Salad Fingers himself is well drawn as well. His facial expressions, movement, and trembling all express his character well. This movie just wouldn't be the same without the visuals.
My favorite part might be the sound. The voices of each character are recorded well without any muffled sounds or sputtering. I also find that the voices express the characters rather well. From Salad Finger's quiet, high pitched voice, to the indecipherable scream of Hubert Cumberdale, everything fits into place to set the overall mood. Once again, this movie wouldn't be the same without the sound.
Of course, your style is probably one of the most unique and macabre of anything on Newgrounds (with the exception of Burnt Face Man.) Salad Fingers projects an aura of slight insanity, with a bit of helplessness. It's a pleasant change from watching sticks kill eachother with swords. Watching the puppet in his dreams scream, and watching Salad Fingers understand it as if he were actually saying it adds to the demented feeling. Watching him smile as his blood pours from his finger while muttering about how he likes it when the red water comes out, everything fits into place.
So overall, I give you a 10/10 on the review, and a 5/5 for the score. It's very uncommon to run into something different on Newgrounds, and I hope you make this a continuing series. I would certainly enjoy seeing Salad Fingers Episode 3 on the front page at some time.
God dammit I love you.
That is perhaps the best flash I have ever seen, ever. I can't even express how fucking brilliant you are. It's exactly what appeals to sick bastards like me, that and all your other flashes. Every single one of them are brilliant. Brilliant to the max.
The best part is how the graphics fail to mean a damn thing in any of your flashes. They could be poorly drawn stick figures and I wouldn't care. Not to say that your animation is in any way bad, just nothing terribly outstanding. But then again, who the fuck cares?
Your sound is about as good as it comes. A good microphone that has decent volume, and no sputtery sounds when the characters are talking. Good thing, since it makes it much more enjoyable, since you don't sit there and silently think to yourself how much the audio quality in the movie sucks.
But the part that distinguishes this flash from the rest of the stuff on Newgrounds is by far your sense of humor. So far, i've never seen anything near as hilarious as the flashes you make, with the exception of a thread some level 1 guy made in the BBS about how Piconjo is a bastard for making fun of his god, LegendaryFrog. I had a hearty rofling at that.
So, keep making your flashes, and I'll keep voting 5 on them, which I feel isn't high enough for them. I consider it a great injustice that you have yet to win any portal awards. Probably becuase of all the people who are too busy being offended by your movies to realise how great they are. Too bad.
That's right, you get a 10 for humour, since I was laughing uncontrollably at the very beginning when the guy got down on his knees and said "Dear lord, what is sin, and what is repentance?" Which prompted a black jesus to appear out of the sky wearing a dress, who then continued to start talking, with really long pauses in between his sentences. Oh, and the part where I got to burn in hell at then end was great too. Looks like my disrespect for the leader of your cult is going to send me to a pit of fire for eternity.
Trust me when I say this. Newgrounds is one of the worst places you could have submitted this flash, becuase the site is filled with people like me who will just make fun of your religeon. An athiest and a christian can get in an argument, and both will go home knowing they are both reight. With that said, stop trying to convert me. I don't care if your god expresses his undying love for me by sending me to hell for eternity.
You really should make the graphics better, even if it isn't the point of the flash. Watching ghetto-jesus float there and quote his favorite book is hardly good animation. You should also get rid of the really long pauses inbetween his sentences. That just makes it more tedious that it already is.
Ann yeah yeah, I know. God bless you.
Glory to God in the highest brother! I will pray for you!
Look, it's dancing with me! It's like there's some sort of magical force that's telling me that everything is going to be ok.
A good stick movie.
I commonly think of this as one of the 2 good stick figure series in existence, the other being Xiao Xiao. This however, varies quite a bit form that, since the characters in Battlefield are always intent on killing eachother, and everything around them at the same time. That's just what makes each episode so great.
The graphics in this flash are great, and show people that (some) stick figure animations can be visually pleasing, and take a lot of effort to make. A high frame rate and well drawn scenery is basically what separates the good stick movies from the bad ones. The other good part is that low speed computers (mine) are able to run them without too much slowdown.
The sound is also great. The sound effects were always on cue, and the background music doesn't distract from what's going on at the moment. It's also good to see that the same effect wasn't used over and over.
In terms of violence, this is much better than any other stick figure series I've ever seen. As it progresses, the scene becomes scattered with dead bodies all over the place, and a sufficient amount of blood splattered all over the wall. Then when it ends, you're left with none of the scenery it began with, and giant red smudges all over the screen.
Damn good flash, and I hope to see nuber 5 sometime soon.
Sax.gif > U
Now if only I could remember where to find it.
Yes! This man knows where his eggs are. (In his basket. If only he knew where the basket was!)
P.S.: Check the laundry room.
It's good becuase I animated part of it. But I still don't get listed as one of the authors. ASDFASDFSDF!!!11!1!!
As soon you approve me adding you to my buddy list than your co credit should be good to go shortly.
The spectrum always seems to shift back to the left. What a terrible stroke of bad luck, and things were just starting to go right.
Age 35, Male
I am the walrus
Santa Barbara, CA
Joined on 9/10/03