Very nice.
Heh...Only passed judgement a few minutes ago (With my help) and it's already on the front page, and I can't in any way say that the position is undeserved. Although there are plenty of people that seem to think that your skills in flash have stayed the same more or less, I've noticed how much you've improved since your earlier episodes of the Madness series. Although your movies could be regarded as "nonsensical violence," they're still some of the best that Newgrounds has to offer.
I like how much the series has sped up since the earlier episodes, and I think it really shows in this one. The action seems far more frantic due to increased framerate and planning, and that gives it the certain "Madness feel" to it. The animation is great. The attention to detail is as good as always, to the point where you see each individual bullet fly out of the guns even though there's usually about 3 people shooting on the screen at the same time, as well as the shells. I like how the camera moves about as well, be it scene transitions, or that effect of swooping around, it all adds to the overall feel of the movie. Although the character models are simplistic, they're all well drawn, as are the guns, and backgrounds. Just about everything seems to have improved since the last entry, and when the last entry was exceptional as well, that can only be a good thing.
As for the sound, the soundtrack was well chosen, from the infiltration music at the beginning to the ending fight song. Each gun has individual sound effects for it's shots, and the effects are all in perfect place. I tend to often overlook the sound in flashes since it never really stands out, but the way that it adds to this flash is more than I can say for most.
The violence, which would be the main theme for the entire series, is basically unrivaled on Newgrounds. The entire series revolves around being fast paced and excessively violent without much plot, and you've mastered it to the point where a story has little meaning, and people love it anyway. You are truly a master of your craft, so much that when you made this it hit the front page fater than anything I've ever seen before.
Too bad now I have to wait for the next one again, in which Hank will probably come back made entirely out of bandages.