That was terrible. Its also wonderful how that 1 drop of coke just flies into his mouth like that. And on another note, ive seen the second on, and you used the same scenes for it. AND even more, there is only one character model, they are both the same drawing with the colors filled in different.
btw. Rap is the shittiest "music" if you can call it that, to ever defile the planet with its crappy beats and lyrics, since the rappers just fill in space with the word "shit" or "fuck" when they run out of things to say in a line.
I think I judged on all the scores accordingly, 1s and 0s. I would make a flash movie if I had the program, and chances are, it would turn out a lot better than this.
Look forward to the next installment of the booyaka (booyaka??) twins ;)