My hard drive is kerfucked. 300 errors fixed so far, but the Seagate maintenance thing is pretty shitty and can only fix 100 at a time. This means that I get to run the diagnostic, wait about 30 minutes for it to get to the broken spot at which point the number of errors goes to 100, fix those, then start over again. Damned if I know how many there actually are.
So whatever, less computer time until I can fix it. Since the number of errors has gone up to about 2000 since yesterday, I just got a 300 GB hard drive from Fry's for $70 and am going to copy everything over to it using Linux. At least the spare time allowed me to get acquainted with Tekken 5 again.
Also, Windows is utterly fucking useless and I'm probably going to lose all of my shit and have to start over from scratch.
Wow, your harddrive really is kerfucked. My video card fried on me (literally FRIED;I could smell the acrylic smoke) once.