The spectrum always seems to shift back to the left. What a terrible stroke of bad luck, and things were just starting to go right.

Age 35, Male

I am the walrus


Santa Barbara, CA

Joined on 9/10/03

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Posted by Rabid-Echidna - October 21st, 2008

RabidKangaroo15: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=zRqcfqiX CX0
RabidKangaroo15: lolz
RabidKangaroo15: MCCAIN 08
boss trombone: I saw that
boss trombone: pretty scary
boss trombone: that people are that dumb
RabidKangaroo15: Welcome to middle America
boss trombone: and the terrorist
boss trombone: s
RabidKangaroo15: When I think of the average McCain supporter, I think of people like the ones in that video
RabidKangaroo15: Because I find it to be accurate most of the time
boss trombone: what the hell is a second stringer?
RabidKangaroo15: Beats me mang
boss trombone: Most of these people are old and will be deadn it will be oooooook
RabidKangaroo15: Not dead soon enough
RabidKangaroo15: And their horrible children will take their place anyway
RabidKangaroo15: Who are just as stupid as they are
boss trombone: I don't get how areas like are dumb kinda
boss trombone: what makes them different
boss trombone: than NY
RabidKangaroo15: I don't know
RabidKangaroo15: All I know is that I never want to go to Oklahoma
RabidKangaroo15: Certain places in the country just suck in general
RabidKangaroo15: Local culture I guess
RabidKangaroo15: There are a ton of them here as well, despite California being mostly democrat
RabidKangaroo15: I was out at a protest the other day and there were just as many Yes on 8 people as No on 8
RabidKangaroo15: Which is kind of pathetic
boss trombone: what's 8?
RabidKangaroo15: Voting yes on proposition 8 is voting to outlaw same sex marriages
RabidKangaroo15: I was waving signs around with the no people
RabidKangaroo15: It was a good time
boss trombone: sounds boring
RabidKangaroo15: Not really
RabidKangaroo15: All my pals were there too
boss trombone: you freedom fighters
RabidKangaroo15: It was sort of like a protest/party
RabidKangaroo15: And we got way more support from people driving by than the other sons of bitches
boss trombone: Is the only argument against gay marriage religious ones?
boss trombone: are*
RabidKangaroo15: As far as I can tell
RabidKangaroo15: The other guys were waving signs around which said shit like "Prop 8 = Free Speech" and "Prop 8 = Religious Freedom"
RabidKangaroo15: Both of which make no fucking sense and have nothing to do with prop 8
RabidKangaroo15: But I wouldn't expect any sort of coherent thought process from them
RabidKangaroo15: A bunch of them were shouting about sinners and whatnot so I guess that's their main motive
boss trombone: ha
boss trombone: Christianity will die out
boss trombone: h
RabidKangaroo15: Not soon enough
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe if we evolve
RabidKangaroo15: If we manage to not nuke ourselves into oblivion long enough to do so
boss trombone: Isn't evolution taking place every day?
RabidKangaroo15: Well yes, but not on any significant scale
RabidKangaroo15: Any really noticable change takes wat too long to see in the average lifetime
boss trombone: I think the relationship with computers is proof enough
RabidKangaroo15: No it isn't
RabidKangaroo15: There's no physical change
boss trombone: No one remembers shit when you can just google it in a second
RabidKangaroo15: I try to
boss trombone: bah
boss trombone: why are all my browsers dead but aim works
boss trombone: dfgfdg
RabidKangaroo15: Beats me
RabidKangaroo15: How long has your computer been running
boss trombone: weeks
RabidKangaroo15: That's why
boss trombone: I don't see how that's why but a restart couldn't hurt
RabidKangaroo15: Whenever I leave my computer on for a long time certain things stop working
RabidKangaroo15: like if I'm running Winamp I can't use Firefox
RabidKangaroo15: It's mainly because Windows is a piece of shit
boss trombone: be hip and use linux
boss trombone: brb
boss trombone signed off at 11:16:31 PM.
boss trombone signed on at 11:18:12 PM.
boss trombone: Success
RabidKangaroo15: Thought so
RabidKangaroo15: Windows just sort of deteriorates over time for no apparent reason
RabidKangaroo15: Until everything stops working and you have to restart
boss trombone: I've never had that happen actually
boss trombone: Maybe you need a nice restore
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe Windows is shitty
RabidKangaroo15: maybe Windows has always been shitty
boss trombone: It's the best choice
boss trombone: avaiable
boss trombone: l
RabidKangaroo15: Well yeah, but that doesn't make it good
boss trombone: do you listen to any podcast?
boss trombone: s
RabidKangaroo15: Nope
boss trombone: seceptic's guide to the universe is really good
boss trombone: skep
RabidKangaroo15: Never read it
RabidKangaroo15: Probably don't need to
boss trombone: read?
boss trombone: Heard of?
RabidKangaroo15: Heard of
RabidKangaroo15: It's a book right
boss trombone: It's a podcast
RabidKangaroo15: Well, shows how much I know about it
boss trombone: Are you thinking of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?
RabidKangaroo15: No
boss trombone: oh
RabidKangaroo15: I have read that
boss trombone: it's a science podcast about philosophy, debunking consparicy, etc
boss trombone: conspriracy
boss trombone: wait
RabidKangaroo15: Do you need to use iTunes to listen to it
boss trombone: conspiracy
boss trombone: I dunno
boss trombone: it gets auto added to my ipod
boss trombone: I;m sure winamp can do it somehow
RabidKangaroo15: I usually just listen to the radio
RabidKangaroo15: I know they were saying on KPFK that there's a podcast with Alan Watts lectures
RabidKangaroo15: Which would probably be good
boss trombone: There's lots of good stuff
boss trombone: the one i mentioned is a pretty popular one
RabidKangaroo15: You should listen to some Alan Watts
RabidKangaroo15: You can download a bunch of his stuff here
RabidKangaroo15: http://www.spacetruckingmogul.com/mind fieldtv/
boss trombone: Is Terence McKenna your idol?
RabidKangaroo15: I don't really have an idol
RabidKangaroo15: But he's one of my favorite people
RabidKangaroo15: Food of the Gods is one of the best books I've read
boss trombone: I heard he says some crazy things
RabidKangaroo15: Not really crazy, but some of it is kind of pseudo-science
boss trombone: is listening to Alan Watts, Religion of No Religion #1, on Alan Watts Podcast
RabidKangaroo15: Novelty theory is basically speculative nonsense, but I never payed any attention to it
RabidKangaroo15: As a philosopher he's good
boss trombone: Wait, you're a buddhist?
RabidKangaroo15: Nope
RabidKangaroo15: But there are elements of Buddhism that I find aggreeable
RabidKangaroo15: Certainly a lot more than Christianity
RabidKangaroo15: Which is almost entirely complete shit
boss trombone: Why? Christianity has good values
boss trombone: besides the whole god tihng
boss trombone: thing
RabidKangaroo15: Such as
boss trombone: Not killing people
RabidKangaroo15: Wow
RabidKangaroo15: That's nice, but the crusades kind of contradict that
RabidKangaroo15: And the entire history of Christianity being the reason for killing large amounts of people
boss trombone: That doesn't apply to modern day
RabidKangaroo15: The thing is, Christianity is just another one of the control structure religions
RabidKangaroo15: It was invented by the Romans so people would do what the rulers wanted
RabidKangaroo15: It has no legitimacy, and if you read the Bible it's fucking horrific
boss trombone: How would we have reached this point in technology with out structured religion?
RabidKangaroo15: Technology has nothing to do with religion
boss trombone: Yes
RabidKangaroo15: If anything it's hindered by it
boss trombone: No one would obey
RabidKangaroo15: How is technology related to religion
boss trombone: i'm taking aobut in the start
boss trombone: about
boss trombone: People would murder
boss trombone: steal
RabidKangaroo15: People can behave themselves just fine without Christianity
boss trombone: I don't think that's true in <1700
boss trombone: God explained everything and now he will be phased out. it's the lie that got us here
RabidKangaroo15: <1700 Christianity was the direct cause for just about every negative thing that happened
RabidKangaroo15: It's responsible for reversing technological process with the Dark Ages
RabidKangaroo15: It's responsible for shit like the Spanish Inquisition
RabidKangaroo15: Responsible for religious wars
RabidKangaroo15: Responsible for teaching the masses that they'll go to hell forever if they have any sort fun in life, as well as if they question God
RabidKangaroo15: And responsible for the strong ties between church and state that still exist today and serve only to make people increasingly ignorant and to hinder further progress
RabidKangaroo15: We have advanced despite Christianity, not because of it
RabidKangaroo15: The church has fought every major advancement at every turn
RabidKangaroo15: They were against ending slaver, against women's rights
boss trombone: I see what you're syaing but I still think religion played a huige part in keeping people civil till this day in certain situations
RabidKangaroo15: There are inherent aspects of human nature
RabidKangaroo15: Making people obedient doesn't necessarily mean that you're helping them out or protecting society
RabidKangaroo15: It just means that you're tricking them into believing your bullshit
RabidKangaroo15: You can choose from a multitude of other religions that are infinitely less destructive and oppressive than Christianity
RabidKangaroo15: The only thing I can say about Christianity in terms of getting us where we are now is that a lot of people have been Christian up to this point and there are still lots of Christians
RabidKangaroo15: And I regard that as an unfortunate fact
RabidKangaroo15: And give the religion no credibility whatsoever, nor will I ever try and make a positive point for it beyond saying that a few select elements of it are positive
RabidKangaroo15: But those few points should be pretty evident to begin with, and are nothing more than parroting back some incredibly basic philosophies
RabidKangaroo15: Don't kill people, don't steal shit
RabidKangaroo15: Way to go Christianity for figuring that one out
RabidKangaroo15: Too bad you still have all that stuff about stoning your son to death if he disobeys his parents and selling your daughters into slavery
boss trombone: I don't see how that would matter with out religion.
boss trombone: If someone was born with out the laws of murder and the religion values about murder people would murder
RabidKangaroo15: Legal philosophy should naturally be removed from religion in terms of co-dependence
boss trombone: what?
RabidKangaroo15: It exists only to make people believe in fairy tales and ends up giving them a broken morality
RabidKangaroo15: You say people would murder without religion
RabidKangaroo15: People murder with religion anyway, and I manage to not kill people despite not being religious
boss trombone: so what do you l ive by
boss trombone: and why
boss trombone: preserve life?
RabidKangaroo15: I live by my own standards of decency that I've rationalized by myself
RabidKangaroo15: The only thing I've really derived from the Bible is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
RabidKangaroo15: Which seems fair enough, but it's hardly a revolutionary idea
RabidKangaroo15: It just seems like basic decency to me
RabidKangaroo15: And I think preservation of life is good enough depending on who you're preserving
RabidKangaroo15: I also think there are an awful lot of people who deserve to die
boss trombone: No one deserves to die
RabidKangaroo15: Oh yes, yes they do
boss trombone: It's not their fault
RabidKangaroo15: Sure it is
boss trombone: It's how they were taught and where they live that makes the person
boss trombone: It could be you
RabidKangaroo15: Say you rape a 5 year old girl then kill her and nail her body to a crucifix in the front yard of her parents
RabidKangaroo15: That's your decision and you're the one that should be held responsible
RabidKangaroo15: And if at no point you're even sentient to question your actions, fuck you
RabidKangaroo15: You can teach me whatever you want, it's my role as a conscious, free-thinking being to question what you're saying
boss trombone: I didn't mean it like that, of course people who do stuff like that should have the same done to them x10 I thought you meant like the people in that mccain vid
RabidKangaroo15: They're really no better
RabidKangaroo15: They don't think for a second that what they're saying might be wrong
RabidKangaroo15: And they don't even bother to research what they're saying
boss trombone: they should be free to be ignorant
boss trombone: if they want
RabidKangaroo15: So they do on saying things like "OBAMA IS A MUSLIM" and don't even take 10 seconds to figure out that he's not
RabidKangaroo15: Ignorance is dangerous to those who don't want to be ignorant
boss trombone: If everyone was on the same level I don't think things would be very interesting
RabidKangaroo15: Depends what the level is
RabidKangaroo15: I wouldn't mind an enlightened society, personally
RabidKangaroo15: The time periods where everyone wallows in their own stupidity haven't worked out so well
boss trombone: They can live their life happy in their ignorant bubbles and dunno what they're missing.
boss trombone: sounds great to me
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe the people in Salem should have had religious freedom to believe that all their townspeople were witches, but there's a definite problem when you start burning people at the stake
RabidKangaroo15: Ignorance is bliss, but it's a false bliss
RabidKangaroo15: Nobody knows anything and neither do you
boss trombone: so what
boss trombone: all living is is keeping yourself happy why does it matter how you do it
RabidKangaroo15: So you all enjoy your circle jerk and any sort of real potential for philosophical advancement is squandered in favor of nonsense
boss trombone: why advance? it's just the same happiness on a smarter level
RabidKangaroo15: Happiness is just a base emotion
RabidKangaroo15: It's enjoyable and certainly something worth seeking, but when you say that happiness is the ONLY reason for living, that's where I'll disagree with you
RabidKangaroo15: And in regards to religion, that false sense of righteousness and joy usually comes at the expense of someone else
RabidKangaroo15: So as a whole, it doesn't result in happiness for everyone
boss trombone: How is that not the only reason? People only do unpleasent things so they can have greater happiness in the future.
RabidKangaroo15: When they were executing people for heresy, they thought they were doing it for the side of good
RabidKangaroo15: Meanwhile, the other half is being executed
RabidKangaroo15: If people weren't living off millenia-old stories about an omnipresent God that doesn't actually seem to exist, they might not feel the need to kill people for having the wrong imaginary friend
boss trombone: boss trombone: How is that not the only reason? People only do unpleasent things so they can have greater happiness in the future.
boss trombone: your firneds use you for essays
boss trombone: friends
RabidKangaroo15: No they don't
RabidKangaroo15: But whatever
RabidKangaroo15: Anyway
RabidKangaroo15: Say I enjoy torturing someone
boss trombone: who doesn't
RabidKangaroo15: If this brings me happiness, by your model I should be able to do it all I want
RabidKangaroo15: The person I'm torturing is irrelevant
RabidKangaroo15: I'm not saying the pursuit of happiness is a bad thing
RabidKangaroo15: Not in any sense
RabidKangaroo15: But happiness at the expense of another should be discouraged
RabidKangaroo15: And I think that true happiness comes from something entirely different
boss trombone: You make fun of people at the expense of others for your own enjoyment
RabidKangaroo15: It comes from questioning your role in the world, and establishing a point in life that's not "behave myself so I go to Heaven."
boss trombone: hm
RabidKangaroo15: Of course, because it's good fun
RabidKangaroo15: And I find that most insults
RabidKangaroo15: Usually have some sort of message behind them
RabidKangaroo15: Or at least the good ones do
RabidKangaroo15: The only people I insult are people worth insulting
RabidKangaroo15: And even then all I'm really doing is pointing out their flaws in a particularly brutal manner
RabidKangaroo15: And maybe they'll pick up on that and consider my viewpoint
RabidKangaroo15: And they can retort and I'll consider theirs as well
RabidKangaroo15: So it's a sort of bitter exchange of ideas
boss trombone: wowza
boss trombone: I have other things to say but go deliver your cheating paper anyway
RabidKangaroo15: Will do


I like how every time I talk to you it ends up in a philosophical discussion on the most mindfucking things.