The spectrum always seems to shift back to the left. What a terrible stroke of bad luck, and things were just starting to go right.

Age 35, Male

I am the walrus


Santa Barbara, CA

Joined on 9/10/03

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A third conversation with NG user "life"

Posted by Rabid-Echidna - August 25th, 2008


RabidKangaroo15: These calea plants are like $3 each
RabidKangaroo15: Hahaha
boss trombone: Yeah!
RabidKangaroo15: I have to make an eBay account first
RabidKangaroo15: $3, with $9 shipping that is
RabidKangaroo15: Comes to a whopping
RabidKangaroo15: $12
RabidKangaroo15: oh no
boss trombone: Pretty good for an endless drug supply
RabidKangaroo15: I think so
boss trombone: I wanna get a blue lotus plant and a few others too
boss trombone: You can make your own smoking blends
boss trombone: like spce gold
boss trombone: ii
RabidKangaroo15: I like how this stuff is illegal in Lousiana and nowhere else in the world
boss trombone: yeah haha
RabidKangaroo15: What a pathetic shithole of a state
boss trombone: someone with the name lousiana_something bought some and left feedback
boss trombone: I think I told you that before
RabidKangaroo15: They can make it illegal, but it's not like you're going to get caught
RabidKangaroo15: No cop would know what the fuck it was
boss trombone: yes
boss trombone: How would something like that ever be made illegal?
boss trombone: Or become a topic of discussion?
boss trombone: even*
boss trombone: It's not like it's popular
RabidKangaroo15: Bitter old republicans looking for good things to be made illegal because they're douchebags who spend their spare time making life worse for everyone
RabidKangaroo15: basically
boss trombone: what a wonderful world
RabidKangaroo15: Not really
RabidKangaroo15: But that's why you leave it and go elsewhere
boss trombone: mars
RabidKangaroo15: If humanity colonized Mars we would just fuck that up too
RabidKangaroo15: Unless there was some massive evolution within the timespan required to do so
boss trombone: evolution of what?

RabidKangaroo15: Either cultural or mental
RabidKangaroo15: Which I guess could go hand in hand
RabidKangaroo15: But it won't happen
boss trombone: Oh boy my cake is done
RabidKangaroo15: There's plenty of speculation about terraforming Mars but chances are we'll nuke ourselves off the face of the planet before it's viable
boss trombone: You're not optimistic about anything
RabidKangaroo15: Not about government at least
RabidKangaroo15: Or at the very least, certainly not the fucking US government
RabidKangaroo15: Hooray for living in a terrorist outlaw state that is consistently voted as having the worst impact on the world
boss trombone: I think having obama will shake things up a bit
RabidKangaroo15: I think not really
RabidKangaroo15: The president is more of a figurehead position
RabidKangaroo15: He might try to change the more important things, but it won't amount to anything
RabidKangaroo15: Plus Obama isn't really this savior that everyone makes him out to be
boss trombone: Then how do you fix this?
RabidKangaroo15: You don't, lol
RabidKangaroo15: You wait for inevitable nuclear holocaust knowing that the only thing you can do is blame someone
RabidKangaroo15: And not actually change anything
boss trombone: That won't happen
boss trombone: everyone has morals
RabidKangaroo15: Hahahahahahaha
RabidKangaroo15: Hahahahahahahahaha
RabidKangaroo15: Sure they do
boss trombone: It's mot like expecting is better than hoping for the best
boss trombone: n
RabidKangaroo15: We've already been a few seconds away from absolute destruction before
boss trombone: When?
RabidKangaroo15: During the Cuban missile crisis there was a point where some US destroyers were firing on a Russian submarine
RabidKangaroo15: We didn't know that the submarine had nuclear warheads aboard and ready to fire
RabidKangaroo15: They didn't know what the hell was going on and thought there was a war going on
RabidKangaroo15: The commander of that submarine ordered the nukes to be fired, which was a legitimate order and was recieved
RabidKangaroo15: The only reason they didn't fire was because the order was countermanded by a higher official a few minuted before they shot them off
RabidKangaroo15: If he hadn't been there at the time, enjoy your Mutually Assured Destruction
RabidKangaroo15: They would have nuked the US, the US would have responded by nuking Russia, etc, etc
RabidKangaroo15: Enjoy the end of the species
RabidKangaroo15: But that didn't happen
RabidKangaroo15: So that was a near miss
boss trombone: I don't understand how people can allow that to happen. What's the point of winning the war if you have no one to rule over?
RabidKangaroo15: There was a second one during the Cuban Missile Crisis as well where we had our bombers already fueled up and on the runway to nuke Russia
RabidKangaroo15: JFK called them back and did some hasty diplomacy before it happened
RabidKangaroo15: You need to understand the politician mentality
RabidKangaroo15: All the US government really is
RabidKangaroo15: is a giant crime syndicate that does whatever it can to expand its own power and control and indoctrinate its populace
RabidKangaroo15: It's sort of like a tribal war only with a few hundred million people as part of each tribe
RabidKangaroo15: And if the conflict gets serious the only thing they really care about is that the other guy dies when they do
RabidKangaroo15: So you have a bunch of rich guys with giant guns and a hellbent, egotistical agenda, with the power to wipe out humanity for the sake of their own stupid little scuffles and a strong inclination to do so
RabidKangaroo15: And things constantly move towards intensifying that
RabidKangaroo15: So now we're adding more military bases
RabidKangaroo15: in Poland this time, as an attempt to expand our military presence
RabidKangaroo15: And as a display of our great democracy we do it even though 90% of the Polish population is against the bases being built there
RabidKangaroo15: As such, Russia sees it as a threat and threatens to nuke Poland in self-defense if we go through with building the bases
RabidKangaroo15: Which we will, because that's what America does
RabidKangaroo15: And we're already planning to weaponize space
RabidKangaroo15: With satellites that can nuke any place on the Earth within a few minutes of giving the order
RabidKangaroo15: Power does what power wants
RabidKangaroo15: You have no role in this game, you just get to observe
boss trombone: I don't think the people are as evil as you make them out to be
RabidKangaroo15: Well not people in general
RabidKangaroo15: It's not like you meet these people on the street
RabidKangaroo15: The only reason they're in the leading positions to begin with is because the sort of people who really crave power are the ones that are going to get it
RabidKangaroo15: And people who crave power almost exclusively don't deserve it
RabidKangaroo15: But they're determined motherfuckers, and through preservation they managed to take over the country
RabidKangaroo15: But at the same time, it's not like the average American is all that great
RabidKangaroo15: Working retail gives you undeniable evidence of that
RabidKangaroo15: Just a bunch of vacant-stare, semi-sentient soccer moms walking around in a consciousness daze and picking up disgusting food to feed to their horrible cracker-spawn children
RabidKangaroo15: But you weed through the masses of human waste and pick out the few people that aren't painfully dull or offensively stupid
RabidKangaroo15: And things become decent enough on a local level
boss trombone: What's the US going to do if it got rid of its nukes? I mean,we would be invaded
boss trombone: by other countries with bukes
boss trombone: n
RabidKangaroo15: Nukes have no place in an invasion
RabidKangaroo15: The only reason nuking Japan worked was because it was a first strike
RabidKangaroo15: If other countries had nukes at the time it wouldn't have worked
RabidKangaroo15: They exist only to wipe out large amounts of people all at once, and as soon as anywhere other than a test site gets nailed we all kill eachother
RabidKangaroo15: You can't invade someone with nukes
RabidKangaroo15: It's all ground-level stuff and weaker bombs that won't take out entire cities
RabidKangaroo15: Plus nobody would invade us anyway
RabidKangaroo15: Last we checked, we spend more on "self-defense" than every other country in the world combined
RabidKangaroo15: In quotes because we never actually use it for self defense
RabidKangaroo15: It's almost exclusively used for the sake of aggression
boss trombone: So if you were given completel control of the US goverment, how would you fix this?
RabidKangaroo15: But we call it "anticipatory self-defense" and people seem to accept that even though it's absolute bullshit
RabidKangaroo15: You don't, really
RabidKangaroo15: You could fix it if you had control of the entire WORLD
RabidKangaroo15: But with the rivalry and all between us and other countries
boss trombone: Isn't the U.S working on destorying nukes?
boss trombone: r
RabidKangaroo15: No
RabidKangaroo15: We're making more though
RabidKangaroo15: And militarizing constantly
boss trombone: then what's the big deal about getting rid of weapons of massive destrction in iraq?
RabidKangaroo15: And running shows like that stupid one on Discovery with that idiot marine
RabidKangaroo15: There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
RabidKangaroo15: It was a false pretense to go to war for the sake of installing a puppet government in Iraq that would comply to the demands of the US
RabidKangaroo15: We have actively suppressed democracy in Iraq after we established it
RabidKangaroo15: Because they had an election and didn't elect the right person
RabidKangaroo15: So we killed the guy and blew the shit out of the country to send another message
RabidKangaroo15: There is no option for them, and no virtue on our side
RabidKangaroo15: The goal is to invade them, take all their stuff, and kill anyone who tries to stop us
RabidKangaroo15: Or ferry them off to secret prisons to be tortured to death
boss trombone: How does that stay the goal with bush gone?
boss trombone: and his administration
RabidKangaroo15: It's not like Bush is really responsible for the war
RabidKangaroo15: His administration in part
RabidKangaroo15: But it's more like
RabidKangaroo15: You get the corruption from the ground up, but it spreads out
RabidKangaroo15: You're running for congress and you need campaign money, so you get it from company X, and now you owe them favors
RabidKangaroo15: So that builds up over time
RabidKangaroo15: Then you have the government bodies that are little more than complex terrorist organizations and theives
RabidKangaroo15: You have the CIA, which deals in war intelligence and political assassination
RabidKangaroo15: FBI, which robs the populace
RabidKangaroo15: Etc, etc
RabidKangaroo15: The majority of the US government is blatantly unconstitutional
RabidKangaroo15: The founders had some good ideas, but they've faded to history
RabidKangaroo15: Everyone whines about things being unconstitutional like the document matters anymore
boss trombone: If you know it all, why don't you try informing as many people as you can?
RabidKangaroo15: If you're the superpower of the world and using it for terrorist and control purposes, you're not going to let your own measly laws stop you
RabidKangaroo15: Have you seen the average person?
RabidKangaroo15: Granted this is relatively hidden information, but it's not like you really have to look far to find it
RabidKangaroo15: Read a Chomsky book, information given
RabidKangaroo15: Perhaps my favorite scene in Waking Life is when the guy in the bar asks the protagnonist "Which is the most inherent human characteristic: Fear, or laziness?"
RabidKangaroo15: People would rather be miserable all day at their jobs, go home and watch stupid bullshit on TV than read a book
RabidKangaroo15: Unless they're forced to learn something, they won't
RabidKangaroo15: Given that the companies that run the news organizations are some of the ones handing out those campaign funds, it's unlikely that you're going to see any real journalism on the evening news
RabidKangaroo15: And the really sinister thing is that they don't actually lie
RabidKangaroo15: They just selectively choose the information they want to present
RabidKangaroo15: So all the evil things the US are doing doesn't show up, and you instead have the unchallenged view that the US is the guiding light for freedom and democracy and eagles and flags and whatever
RabidKangaroo15: Which is nothing more than a shitty opinion, but not inherently wrong
RabidKangaroo15: If you don't want America to know something, don't run stories on it
RabidKangaroo15: Nobody reads anymore, so you don't have to worry about that
boss trombone: I don't know how you want to live or what motivates you to go to college if you know and think all of this
RabidKangaroo15: I think the most recent statistic I read was that something like 3% of Americans read books in their spare time
boss trombone: A lot of people read on the itnernet, though
RabidKangaroo15: Which is an interesting development, but still not all that important in the long run for a few reasons
RabidKangaroo15: for one, people still don't read the news online, and if they do it's coming from the same sources as the TV news
RabidKangaroo15: They could read blogs, but generally they don't have any real credibility
RabidKangaroo15: And the main thing, once more, people are lazy
RabidKangaroo15: They don't go online to read the news, they do it to check their email and then they watch videos of dogs rollerskating on YouTube
boss trombone: lol
RabidKangaroo15: Plus, the freedom of the internet is being attacked by every company that provides it
RabidKangaroo15: You know plenty about net neutrality
RabidKangaroo15: The CEO of Verizon said something like "It's inevitable that the content of the internet will be regulated by the phone companies"
RabidKangaroo15: And him and all his phone company buddies say the same thing
RabidKangaroo15: They actively lobby congress to get rid of net neutrality on a constant basis
RabidKangaroo15: Since free flow of information is a dangerous thing in a control society
RabidKangaroo15: And they'll eventually get what they want, no doubt
RabidKangaroo15: The people don't want is, but this isn't a democracy and hasn't been for hundreds of years
RabidKangaroo15: The people don't get to decide, congress passes the laws
RabidKangaroo15: And congress was bought and paid for a long time ago
boss trombone: I really wouldn't want the internet to change
RabidKangaroo15: It will
boss trombone: People will just make another internet
boss trombone: if the 1st one gets sold out
RabidKangaroo15: You can't have two internets
boss trombone: Why not?

RabidKangaroo15: Who's going to pay for the service
RabidKangaroo15: There's no multi-billion dollar company that's going to provide a second internet for everyone
RabidKangaroo15: And your basement server isn't going to cut it
boss trombone: whatever
boss trombone: I still have faith in people
boss trombone: that
boss trombone: they won't let it happen
RabidKangaroo15: They have no say in the matter
boss trombone: They can cancel their service
RabidKangaroo15: They won't
RabidKangaroo15: The people that actually access dissident sites might stop paying
RabidKangaroo15: But they're the minority anyway
boss trombone: Why does it have to change?
boss trombone:
they are making profits
boss trombone: with it this way
RabidKangaroo15: They're part of the control structure, and that's more important than profits
RabidKangaroo15: They have plenty of profits
RabidKangaroo15: Plus with the end of net neutrality, sites will have to pay them shitloads of money to make their sites accessible
boss trombone: So it's the end of NG and SA?
RabidKangaroo15: So they'll end up making more money than before and be able to intensify their grip on the populace
RabidKangaroo15: Unless they can pay, yes
boss trombone: I just can't see that happening
boss trombone: millions of people will rage
RabidKangaroo15: Millions of people rage about lots of stuff
RabidKangaroo15: It's not like they can actually take action
RabidKangaroo15: And even when they do, the rage becomes acceptance after long enough
RabidKangaroo15: And after a generation or two there's nobody left to remember that it was worth raging over
RabidKangaroo15: I don't remember the old days
RabidKangaroo15: And I can read the history and all that, but it's largely unimportant besides an academic perspective
RabidKangaroo15: All that really matters is a brief moment of awareness
RabidKangaroo15: That doesn't seem to hit most people
RabidKangaroo15: When they're sitting in their cubicles doing meaningless paperwork, ready to drive home and watch soap operas
RabidKangaroo15: That maybe their life shouldn't be this way
RabidKangaroo15: They are property in the most basic sense, all they can hope for is to switch owners
RabidKangaroo15: The USA is fundamentally designed to be a utopia for the privelaged, at the expense of everyone else
RabidKangaroo15: So 99% of us get fucked and the 1% has a jolly good time
RabidKangaroo15: And we look at this with acceptance because "Well, I guess it's not that bad."
boss trombone: boss trombone: I don't know how you want to live or what motivates you to go to college if you know and think all of this
RabidKangaroo15: Realizing that you're being sodomized isn't necessarily a pleasant experience
RabidKangaroo15: But at least you know from that point on
RabidKangaroo15: And there's something naturally important about the pursuit of knowledge
RabidKangaroo15: Plus it's not like college really deals with most of this anyway
boss trombone: So
boss trombone: Are you leaving
boss trombone: the us
boss trombone: after college?
RabidKangaroo15: As soon as I can feasibly leave this country, I will
RabidKangaroo15: This country is stuck in one of the stranger paradoxes where it's possibly the worst country in the world to live in yet the population thinks it's the best
RabidKangaroo15: And the outsiders look in wondering if everyone is just stupid, because the only other possibility is that the whole country is so indoctrinated that they have no idea what's going on
RabidKangaroo15: I would argue that it's a bit of both
RabidKangaroo15: Anyway
RabidKangaroo15: I need to run along now
RabidKangaroo15: Things to do


A third conversation with NG user "life"


"People would rather be miserable all day at their jobs, go home and watch stupid bullshit on TV than read a book. Unless they're forced to learn something, they won't."

In my view, the best line in the whole conversation.

The evils of the world are required for us to evolve beyond their grasp. All it takes is some understanding of the problem instead of the symptoms, and we can rise above those problems.

you crazy mother fucker

holy hell, that was a lot... yet i dont what it is about

Fudge is such a fantastic treat.