The spectrum always seems to shift back to the left. What a terrible stroke of bad luck, and things were just starting to go right.

Age 35, Male

I am the walrus


Santa Barbara, CA

Joined on 9/10/03

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Casual chat with NG user "life"

Posted by Rabid-Echidna - April 17th, 2008

boss trombone: damn
boss trombone: I just had some weird thoughts
RabidKangaroo15: Those being
boss trombone: Mym ind can't comprhend a god making a god, because it will always go back to nothing there at first, and nothing is something, so who made that? That's nothing newe, but maybe our minds can't comprehend that, but when you die in an after like state
boss trombone: your mind can comprehend it
RabidKangaroo15: Spherical time pretty much solves that when applied to contemporary physics
RabidKangaroo15: Problem is, everyone thinks that time is just time
RabidKangaroo15: It moves forward, and it's necessary that there be a beginning and perhaps an end
RabidKangaroo15: String theory goes against this, and says that the fundamental particles of the universe operate in something like 46 different dimensions
RabidKangaroo15: We can comprehend 4
RabidKangaroo15: Spacial, and one dimensional time
RabidKangaroo15: When you expand time to another dimension, it's no longer necessary that there be a beginning since it ceases to be a line
RabidKangaroo15: So now you can somewhat grasp the idea of a 5th dimension
RabidKangaroo15: And maybe you can expand that into 3D time if you try hard enough
RabidKangaroo15: But then you're still left with 40 dimensions
RabidKangaroo15: And damned if anyone knows what to make of that
RabidKangaroo15: Point being
RabidKangaroo15: The whole "God must have created everything" is assumption bullshit
RabidKangaroo15: We have an incredibly narrow view of the universe given the actual complexity of it
RabidKangaroo15: And trying to explain things in our observational framework doesn't take us very far
RabidKangaroo15: So we come up with this "God did it" bullshit as an attempt at explaining it
RabidKangaroo15: Religion is basically just a placeholder for the unknown until we figure it out
RabidKangaroo15: Much the same way ancient Egyptians didn't know what the sun was, so they explained it by saying it was the Sun god riding across the sky in his chariot
RabidKangaroo15: Nobody would believe that now unless they were completely delusional
RabidKangaroo15: Plus, the big bang is as far back as we can look
RabidKangaroo15: That doesn't mean that it's necessarily the beginning
RabidKangaroo15: There's models of the universe with several big bangs all over the place
boss trombone: okay this is seriously freaking me out
boss trombone: i liked it better being ignorant
RabidKangaroo15: and there's still plenty of possibility that the big bang is a cyclical process
RabidKangaroo15: Ignorance is boring
RabidKangaroo15: Go see Ben Stein's new movie if you want to be an idiot
boss trombone: I don't think that's possible to figure out
boss trombone: Your brain can't
RabidKangaroo15: Of course it can't figure it out
RabidKangaroo15: If string theory is right, the true nature of the universe is way, WAY beyond human comprehension
RabidKangaroo15: But that doesn't stop God from being a lame crutch for people who like to pretend they have everything figured out because they know nobody else can explain it either
boss trombone: Yes but it makes seem living every day life pointless if it all ends without sometihng coming
RabidKangaroo15: Bleh
RabidKangaroo15: All this "life is pointless" stuff is all based on the idea that there needs to be some grand significance to it
RabidKangaroo15: Which usually goes undefined by anyone making the statement
RabidKangaroo15: Take this example
RabidKangaroo15: Before people get into the habit of the baselss argument that life lacks purpose, what keeps them going?
RabidKangaroo15: That's an easier answer to find than what you're looking for
boss trombone: They want an answer
RabidKangaroo15: Then define it yourself
RabidKangaroo15: Thing is
RabidKangaroo15: If you're looking for the GRAND ANSWER to everything
RabidKangaroo15: Why you're here, what you're supposed to be doing, etc
RabidKangaroo15: Where you came from
RabidKangaroo15: Where you're going
RabidKangaroo15: That's all opinion
RabidKangaroo15: There's nothing out there that's going to give you an answer
RabidKangaroo15: or any sort of definitive evidence to base your life off of
RabidKangaroo15: And people tend to look at this emptiness as evidence that life doesn't matter
RabidKangaroo15: like if God isn't really there and doesn't love you then there's no point in going on
RabidKangaroo15: I disagree, heartily
RabidKangaroo15: There is no shortage of meaning in life
RabidKangaroo15: You just need to know where to looke
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe if you end up as a wage slave working in a cubicle and going home every day to watch Lil' Bush the argument holds water
RabidKangaroo15: Genuine entertainment and sense of purpose changes the formula
RabidKangaroo15: Which is why I'll gladly die before I become a fucking insurance salesman or any such bullshit
boss trombone: ok I keep re reading what you said and
boss trombone: I have no idea
boss trombone: I'm looking
boss trombone: for happyness
boss trombone: right now
boss trombone: to make life seem unpointless
boss trombone: And
boss trombone: You said you need to define it your self
RabidKangaroo15: Yep
boss trombone: and I don't know where I'm going with this
boss trombone: christ I'm a wreck on just weed
boss trombone: shrooms must make you insane
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe if you think you're going to go insane
RabidKangaroo15: The way I look at it is
RabidKangaroo15: There are things in life that are significant and things that aren't
RabidKangaroo15: When you do any strong psychedelic and put yourself in a state of mind where you can effectively question the world around you, it becomes more apparent which things go where
RabidKangaroo15: You go to your job because you have to, not because it gives your life meaning
RabidKangaroo15: The American Dream in its current state is bullshit, but there are people that actually think they'll be able to give their lives meaning by getting a six figure office job, a two-story house in upper-middle class white suburbia, and a wife and 2.4 children
RabidKangaroo15: Doing so is subscribing to a wide-spread view of what's supposed to make you happy
RabidKangaroo15: They ignore the real solutions to their problems in favor of something that probably won't work in the long run
boss trombone: exactly
boss trombone: so what makes stuff have a point now
RabidKangaroo15: Hell, the divorce rate is still something like 40% in this country, since so many people are desperate to fit into this model and never take the time to question it
boss trombone: how am I ever going to enjoy a game or south park or some shit
boss trombone: if there;s nio grand scheme to it now
boss trombone: living in the moment
RabidKangaroo15: My view of what makes life have point
RabidKangaroo15: Is to systematically deconstruct all of this stuff
RabidKangaroo15: Look at it objectively
RabidKangaroo15: Take the things in life that don't make you happy and ask why that is
RabidKangaroo15: If you don't like your job, what can you do that you would like?
RabidKangaroo15: I recall a Terrence McKenna session when he was saying that culture is not your friend, and I completely agree
RabidKangaroo15: The ideal state is completely self-created, not following any sort of social norm
RabidKangaroo15: Every person is different, so happiness is a completely personal problem
RabidKangaroo15: For me, the goal is survival by means of writing, with occasional drug use for the purpose of self-improvement
RabidKangaroo15: That's my model, but I wouldn't apply it to anyone else
RabidKangaroo15: It's not easy to find what makes life significant
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe people cling to the predetermined routes just because it's already laid out for you and thus easier than figuring out the real one.
RabidKangaroo15: And maybe it will work out for a few people
RabidKangaroo15: But there will always be problems with that line of thinking that won't be solved until they figure out for themselves why they're still not really happy or fulfilled after doing what they were supposed to
RabidKangaroo15: I know my route
RabidKangaroo15: It's not based on anything predetermined, and is in blatant defiance of any sort of legal framework
RabidKangaroo15: But I figure I've fucked up if I deviate from that path
RabidKangaroo15: And sacrificing it just because I'm afraid of improsonment is worse than the punishment for conformity
RabidKangaroo15: But as for you
RabidKangaroo15: You have to figure it out for yourself
RabidKangaroo15: Mushrooms are just my suggestion because they tend to help me out, they might not work in your case
boss trombone: But doesn't your mind always come back to this now?
boss trombone: How will you enjoy anything?
RabidKangaroo15: Well enjoy is kind of a hard thing to define
RabidKangaroo15: I think the concept of "purpose" is kind of ethereal
RabidKangaroo15: It defies any sort of rational explanation, since you could always argue that it won't matter in the end
RabidKangaroo15: Any book I write will eventually be destroyed and no trace will remain
RabidKangaroo15: But by then I'll be gone, and I'll have known that I achieved the thing that at the moment makes me enjoy life
boss trombone: But how do you just accept that?
RabidKangaroo15: I guess you could make a process of elimination argument
RabidKangaroo15: I've never really understood the "everything is pointless" argument being taken seriously
RabidKangaroo15: It seems like grasping at straws for the purpose of desperately trying to be insignificant
RabidKangaroo15: You look forward 1000 years and say that you'll be forgotten, but that completely negates the present based on something that has no significance to YOU
RabidKangaroo15: So what if nobody will know who you were in 1000 years
RabidKangaroo15: Is life just some stupid game where you lose if you don't impress a bunch of people you don't care about in the future?
RabidKangaroo15: I'd place that worldview at about the same level as evangelical Christianity
RabidKangaroo15: Since you exist NOW, the only point you can have is now
RabidKangaroo15: Maybe if you become a famous writer or artist people in the future will love you forever, but even then that doesn't matter worth a damn
RabidKangaroo15: So you find what you enjoy in the current day and stick to it
RabidKangaroo15: If you eliminate the need for distant future acceptance, you see that importance has to lie in the modern day
boss trombone: So why do you go to newgrounds? Why do you play tf2? You like doing these things, but why? To impress other people with your score and level? To gain more knowedge to share with others thus inflating your ego? Only learning to buukd your self for something you don't know coming?
boss trombone: I really can't grasp this
boss trombone: shouldn't have smoked
boss trombone: build
boss trombone: ahhh
RabidKangaroo15: Newground and TF2 are trivial placeholders when nothing of significance is available
RabidKangaroo15: One of the things I consider significant is human interaction
RabidKangaroo15: I have no justification for this, I just accept it
RabidKangaroo15: But that's on a basic human level
boss trombone: how do you enjoy these things when you know they are trivial and pointless?
RabidKangaroo15: Well think of it this way
RabidKangaroo15: We're genetically programmed to act in certain basic ways for the sake of survival
RabidKangaroo15: But these I think are the most trivial things of all
RabidKangaroo15: Good food, mating, none of that has any real importance
RabidKangaroo15: But when you take something like that and move past it while still working within the framework, you open up new possibilities
RabidKangaroo15: We may have developed communication for the sake of hunting or whatever, but we've pushed it much, much farther
RabidKangaroo15: To the point where we can even accurately express things that are complete abstractions by using language
RabidKangaroo15: A scene in Waking Life uses the example of "love"
RabidKangaroo15: You can't find love anywhere, but you understand it
RabidKangaroo15: We've pushed a basic function farther than it was originally designed for
RabidKangaroo15: Most of the things I really consider important fall into the category of "art" one way or another
RabidKangaroo15: So while I may spend my spare time doing trivial things such as posting witty one-liners on Newgrounds, I'm listening to music while I do so
RabidKangaroo15: The process of creation is an amazing thing, and goes against any sort of evolutionary necessity
RabidKangaroo15: There's no reason we need to make music, or paint
RabidKangaroo15: The real artists do so because of a need that goes farther than simple survival
RabidKangaroo15: Doing so gives them a deep, almost mystical sense of fulfillment that defies human nature itself
RabidKangaroo15: Writing is my art, so I pursue it
RabidKangaroo15: Primitive life is largely insignificant
RabidKangaroo15: Working for the sake of survival is no better than any other animal, we've recieved greater intelligence for the sake of doing a better job at it, but the only real point to it I think is to take those new abilities and use them in creative ways
RabidKangaroo15: Otherwise your life has no more content than the average moth or plantlife
boss trombone: I've never felt anything that doesn't like to somehow link to building your ego and self or impressing and sharing with another
boss trombone: link
RabidKangaroo15: Ego is pointless and misguided
RabidKangaroo15: I think my favorite Terrence McKenna quote was where he said that the main purpose of hallucinogens is to take everything you thought you knew and throw it out the window
boss trombone: I feel like now that I'm in
boss trombone: There's no going back
RabidKangaroo15: in what
boss trombone: this mind set
boss trombone: this must be why drugs are illegal
RabidKangaroo15: So people don't get all depressed?
RabidKangaroo15: nah
RabidKangaroo15: There's no decent reason why psychedelic drugs are illegal
boss trombone: Yes, if everyone took the time to think about this and came to conclusions like society would be completely different. Half of my comedy comes from the ignorance of others... spoofs point out faults, I laugh at idiots on NG.. which makes me happier but why?
RabidKangaroo15: Because you have too much ego
RabidKangaroo15: Do some mushrooms and kill it
boss trombone: you need ego to survive
RabidKangaroo15: nah
boss trombone: with out building your self yp for something in the long run
boss trombone: you hwad back to poinless existance
boss trombone: head
RabidKangaroo15: There's a big difference between doing something you enjoy and thinking you're superior because you've done so
RabidKangaroo15: ego is just a vestigial human component left over from when there needed to be alpha-males
boss trombone: Okay, I enjoythe south park parodies when they spoof people. Sometimes I feel the people they spoof are pretty dumb or evil or whatever, so that's what makes it funny?
boss trombone: How is this ego?
boss trombone: everyone has thoughts like this
RabidKangaroo15: Because they are dumb or evil
RabidKangaroo15: ego relates more to feeling like you're awesome just for the sake of feeling like you're awesome
RabidKangaroo15: Of course you're never going to share a connection with some fuck like Dick Cheney
RabidKangaroo15: Or the ICP fan who constantly talks about how totally high he got on 4/20
boss trombone: See
boss trombone: you know you're superior
boss trombone: to him
boss trombone: you must have some
boss trombone: ego
RabidKangaroo15: Of course I have some ego
RabidKangaroo15: It's programmed in
RabidKangaroo15: But I try to keep it in check
RabidKangaroo15: The whole power struggle thing is a fundamental flaw in humanity and I address it as such
RabidKangaroo15: But I don't think there's enough acid in the entire world to stop me from thinking that cellardoor6 would be better off used as a source of fuel
boss trombone: See
boss trombone: I enjoy ripping on people like this
boss trombone: it's entertaining
RabidKangaroo15: Then be entertained by it
RabidKangaroo15: Who cares
boss trombone: I do
RabidKangaroo15: Why
boss trombone: why am I
boss trombone: Like
RabidKangaroo15: More like what's so inherently wrong with that
boss trombone: If I wrote a poem I really enjoyed
boss trombone: I want to share it with people
boss trombone: \I want them to like my art
boss trombone: how si this wrong
boss trombone: is
RabidKangaroo15: It's not
RabidKangaroo15: Art is intended to be appreciated
RabidKangaroo15: The real problem is say
RabidKangaroo15: You want people to acknowledge how awesome you are for having killed 20 people in the war
RabidKangaroo15: Anyone can see the spectrum of good-bad
RabidKangaroo15: And there are plenty of people out there that are just completely fucking irredeemable
RabidKangaroo15: So you make jokes at the things that are wrong
RabidKangaroo15: And you laugh because you can see how completely backwards certain things are
boss trombone: I just want to be happy, like.. I want to go into the woods and just enjoy life with my friend on 420
boss trombone: but now
boss trombone: I have this tohught in theb ack of my head
boss trombone: of why do I want to ne happy?
boss trombone: what's the point?
boss trombone: Now I can't shake that
RabidKangaroo15: Well, enjoy your depression then if you're set on it
RabidKangaroo15: Asking the point of being happy and then choosing to be miserable over the question makes less sense
boss trombone: I guess
RabidKangaroo15: I'm going to smoke a metric fuckton of weed and start a band with my pals on 4/20
RabidKangaroo15: it's going to be doubleswell
boss trombone: you should write a book with subjects like this
boss trombone: to get people thinking
RabidKangaroo15: I'll just copy/paste this into a blog post where nobody will read it
boss trombone: >
boss trombone: You know what I mean
boss trombone: or not
RabidKangaroo15: I do
RabidKangaroo15: But I already made it a blog
RabidKangaroo15: So whatever
boss trombone: Then how about smash bros eh? I enjoy beating others, it makes me feel good that I increased my skill thus building the ego FURTHER
boss trombone: Why do you play smash bors if you have no ego
boss trombone: this all leads back to this
RabidKangaroo15: Because Brawl is super fun at a party
boss trombone: But beating people with 1 vs 1 no items etc
boss trombone: can be fun too
RabidKangaroo15: Exactly
boss trombone: And the fun comes from winning?
boss trombone: You beat another person?
RabidKangaroo15: Hells yes
RabidKangaroo15: Problem is, you're reading far, far too much into that
RabidKangaroo15: It's supposed to be competitive
RabidKangaroo15: So you all sit around, blaze some, then play it
RabidKangaroo15: all in good fun
boss trombone: Hmmm
boss trombone: In gunbound it's pretty much just play to impress the other player after you've got bored of the basic set up
boss trombone: but then there's things like tower defense games
boss trombone: whree I can play alone
boss trombone: and have fun
RabidKangaroo15: Read some Terrence McKenna
RabidKangaroo15: Just
RabidKangaroo15: do it
boss trombone: I don't even know who that is
RabidKangaroo15: I suggest finding out
RabidKangaroo15: http://rabid-echidna.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/109866
RabidKangaroo15: Watch the video
boss trombone: okay
boss trombone: see
boss trombone: I see my comments in your blog and I feel shy that others will see my thoughts and also happy that others will see things I have learned
boss trombone: everything leads back to ego with happyness...
boss trombone: happiness
boss trombone: meh
RabidKangaroo15: Well the thing is
RabidKangaroo15: Ego tends to run rampant when you don't keep it in check
RabidKangaroo15: And everything becomes 1-upmanship
RabidKangaroo15: And you connect that to self-satisfaction and enjoyment and can't see the more important sources of enjoyment beneath it
RabidKangaroo15: Take Brawl as an example
RabidKangaroo15: There's some fun to be had in beating someone else in the game, but keep in mind that Brawl itself is a largely insignificant thing
RabidKangaroo15: Winning that game doesn't rise to the level of, say, having a conversation such as this with that person
boss trombone: So having some type of ego is important to enjoy living in the present because you don't know exactly what the big picture is?
boss trombone: Is there anyway to summarize everything in a few lines?
RabidKangaroo15: I'll go with
RabidKangaroo15: "Ego is fleeting and illusory pleasure used to divert attention away what really matters."

/* */


Rabid you've just about summed up all the thoughts that have been ricocheting in my head for the weeks leading up to me being 20. A very good read, as much as I HATE to read AIM convos, I knew this one would be well worth my time.

I need to watch that video but it sounds like shit, and need headphone as I'm at work. Maybe later.

Way to rock DLT's little world. I've thought many of these thoughts, but your ability to express it is much better than mine. Keep writing buddy, shake some skulls ;)


Interesting read too.

I read the whole thing, very interesting thoughts on life you've got there.

I pretty much agree entirely, but I think for different reasons. See, all there is in this world is human interaction. This is something I've understood since a very young age. I've always found it fascinating that I had been endowed with my consciousness and that there were so many others equally capable but occupying different minds. It's probably the reason why I also enjoy writing as much as I do nowadays. I like building my vocabulary because I like that expanding my vocabulary allows precision in communication to a greater and greater degree. I feel as if I should be striving for the ability to communicate more precisely with others because through such endeavors future members of society might be less burdened by communicative errors inherent in a thought's translation through conversational media.

But yea, as an atheist, I've come to understand more and more the way things work in this world, and I'd be entirely remiss if I didn't admit that psychadelics might've played a part in that. I do disagree with your assertion that there are individuals not of worth, however. As a writer it should be your goal to reach the largest possible audience with your creativity, and if you're approaching that with a preconceived notion that some are simply unreachable, you're bound to find yourself unable to achieve that goal.

I don't really write for the sake of pleasing the largest audience, but I'm probably just misinterpreting what you wrote. If you're trying to be persuasive that might be the case, but I've never really pursued that route outside of college essays. In terms of worth, that's really just sort of a selfish thing to begin with, and I suppose "irredeemable" was the wrong thing to say at the time as well since it would apply that I'm right about everything. I think "stubborn" would be a better word to use, but I wasn't really stopping much to pay attention to my word selection.

I'm willing to admit that the thick ones are the minority in my area, but they sure as hell exist. Maybe it's just a natural reaction from hearing them talk, but I've never felt the desire to actually converse with them and explain my position if I can avoid it. I try to be open minded as much as I can, but I can't imagine having a meaningful conversation with someone who's dead-set on everything they believe. I've never really liked the debate model in the first place since I don't think it has any point. One person states their case, the other side states theirs, and both walk away with no change in opinion.

Perhaps there aren't any people that are truly beyond having their ideas change, but I think the most die hard ones would need a major shock to the system to convince them otherwise. Any master of mental screening and cognitive dissonance is going to need something other than a few words to change their mind. I doubt anything short of 1984 style torture-brainwashing or 100 mg or so of DMT would make them budge.


Good read.